5 disturbing signs that you are Green Crushed: Let us know if this is you
Chances are you’re in one of the 70% of small and medium businesses (SMEs) that has a willingness to make changes to help with climate change – if so, outstanding!
By Carbonhalo
February 8, 2024

Maybe you’re one of the 27% of SMEs that have already made some changes – brilliant!

Hang on – 27% is over 600,000 SMEs? So why don’t we hear more about it? Why aren’t hundreds and thousands of SMEs communicating their actions and reaping the benefits of this?

I thought communicating climate actions did things like:

Let’s wake up and smell the carbon emissions.

Forget Greenwashing and Green Hushing.

SMEs have been green-crushed. We’ve successfully buried their climate souls deep into a dark world of unfriendly emotions.

5 signs that YOU have been Green Crushed:

  1. Confused: Despite the barrage of communication over so many years, you are completely confused about carbon emissions and what it means for you
  2. No idea: You have no idea what the carbon emission needs of your stakeholders are, let alone how you meet all of them
  3. Annoyed: When you spend the 30 seconds of time you found to look at this topic, the barrage of complexity is overwhelming and you become annoyed
  4. Never enough: You feel that you aren’t doing enough to justify communicating anything and you have no idea how to communicate emissions reduction action anyway
  5. Sceptic: Your first reaction to formalising your efforts into an emissions program is being ripped off. So you hide your wallet and think of any other priority you suddenly have to do instead.

The outcome of Green Crushing is the establishment of the SME climate warrior - the fortunate absolute minority of SMEs that found the strength to bust through the thick wall of emission reduction noise and formalise their efforts. These warriors are deservedly offered the rewards and status for their efforts and we praise their resilience.

But what about everyone else – the mass majority, the Green Crushed?

Are we satisfied with the current state of play - the absolute exclusive minority of emission program participants; or are we keen to deliver the best liveable future through organising the climate efforts needed by us all?

Hard to tell….

"Does Green Crushing feel like you? Don't navigate this challenge alone. Reach out to us now and quickly discover how to transform those dark emotions into a new world of clarity and positivity. Click here to start the conversation!"

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