How Carbonhalo Works
Offsetting your carbon footprint through verified carbon credits
We should all try to reduce our carbon emissions where we can. For the unavoidable emissions leftover, Carbonhalo is here to offset them with verified carbon credits that fund emissions reductions projects across the globe.
These projects include replanting forests, preventing deforestation, and investing in technology that reduces or removes CO2 emissions from the atmosphere.
Our carbon credit certification
What is a carbon credit?
A carbon credit is a digital tradable certificate that confirms a tonne of CO2 has been averted through environmental projects or businesses. Because we use the Blockchain ecosystem across the Ethereum and Polygon network and tradable exchanges, all purchase transactions and disposal of carbon credits are visible to everyone and instantly auditable for complete transparency. When we retire the token, it’s impossible to be used again, meaning we can certify it as single-use.
We only invest in projects or purchase tokens that are verified by leading industry bodies/agencies including VERRA, Gold Standard, REDD+ and UNFCCC. This ensures that your contributions are only going towards projects that meet all the requirements to make a positive impact.
What is a VERRA - Voluntary Carbon Standard?
The Voluntary Carbon Standard (VCS) Program is the world’s most widely used voluntary GHG program. They ensure the credibility of the emission reductions generated by offset programs. Nearly 1,700 certified VCS projects have collectively reduced or removed more than 630 million tonnes of carbon and other GHG emissions from the atmosphere. Verra’s role is to develop and administer the program.
What is REDD+ and what are REDD+ carbon credits?
REDD – the Reduction of Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation programs – is a United Nations initiative that focuses on preserving and reforesting the worlds’ rainforests to fight climate change.
REDD+ (or REDD-plus) refers to projects that reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation, incorporating the role of conservation, sustainable management of forests, and enhancement of forest carbon stocks in developing countries.
REDD+ carbon credits are credits verified and linked to REDD+ specific projects.
Your carbon credit purchases
Across the globe, carbon pricing is irregular and confusing. So we’ve adopted a universal approach that keeps carbon offsets at the same pricing structure, no matter where in the world you live. These tokenised carbon credits are offered as fractional credits, for ease of payment.
What are tokenised carbon credits?
A tokenised carbon credit is a certified carbon credit, that is placed on the Blockchain ecosystem like Ethereum or Polygon. Blockchain tokens offer full traceability, auditability, instant settlement, and the flexibility of fractional carbon credits.
Each token or carbon credit that is burned or retired immediately and permanently offsets 1 tonne of CO2, mapped directly to the retirement of the carbon credit. This is captured within the blockchain ledger, and the transaction ID information is lodged and made publically available.
What are fractional carbon credits?
A fractional carbon credit is a portion of a credit that can be bought at an exact price, rather than having to round up or down to the nearest complete carbon credit, making it easier to offset your carbon footprint.