Make Your Home

Carbon Neutral

This package offsets the carbon footprint of your home for a fixed 3 month term.

What does this include? An allowance of 3.68t CO2 in total which covers the typical carbon footprint of the average home in Queensland*

Proceeds are invested into certified climate active projects that reduce emissions into our atmosphere and also help local communities with the basic necessities of living.

Home Carbon Neutral Option

Offset 3.68t CO2 in total for a fixed 3 month term
$74.99 each
fixed 3 months

*Coverage only includes emissions generated from energy supply, consumption, waste and recycling, it does not include the lifestyles of the occupants living in the home, food purchases or any household travel. Carbonhalo always recommends first to reduce your carbon footprint where possible and only offset unavoidable emissions. Background image is sourced from highlife homes Gold Coast.

Projects that are supported

Native Forest Regeneration

Parro River

This Australian Project is registered with the Australian Clean Energy Regulator and is focused on Human-Induced Native Forest Regeneration in South West Queensland.


Hydropower – Turkey

The Sanibey Dam & Hydroelectric power plant provides clean energy and electricity to the grid reducing a total of 5.2M tCO2e


Pacajai REDD+

This project is located in Brazil’s Amazonian forest, the reforestation and protection from deforestation will avert 9.5M tCO2 over the project lifecycle. if also offers local people better living standards and clean water.