Welcome to the Green Leader program
This program is suitable for
enhancing the understanding of climate change, providing the knowledge to make informed choices and practical application for work and home
becoming better business operators, improved thinking, and engaging staff to align with key business values
In this program you will learn
Module 1
Climate change basics creating awareness
Module 2
Understand how carbon & emissions effect cycles
Module 3
Get into the detail on emissions and measurement
Module 4 & 5
Practical ways for business and home to be sustainable
Benefit for your business and staff
Demonstrate commitment To social impact beyond the organisation itself.
Benefit local communities Through employee footprint reduction
Enhance brand perception By living the values outside of business
Inspire existing employees To take on their responsibility for climate impact
Take action using our intuitive platform
Step 1
Employees use the simple online Carbonhalo self-guided calculator
Step 2
Encourage the reduction of their footprint through practical suggestions
Step 3
For every ton CO2 an employee offsets and matched by your business – Carbonhalo purchases the equivalent carbon credits in curated projects
Step 4
On impact at company level