Climate action for
Sole traders

Sole hopes to put our members in a strong position to empower climate action.


Sole’s collective impact


Trees in the Sole forest

Soul for Sole Customers

As a fintech company, Sole’s footprint may not be massive but we believe that we need to play our part by being carbon-neutral and support our customers to take action.

We know it can be confusing and that is why Sole has partnered with Carbonhalo to utilise their transparent new platform that is simple and affordable which includes:

  • Carbon footprint calculator to easily measure your footprint
  • Free carbon reduction advice from Carbonhalo
  • Bonus tree planting program - we plant extra trees for Sole customers
  • Business impact page to track your progress and the number of trees in your forest
  • Sole customer discount of 10% code found within the SoleApp

The 4-simple steps of your climate journey

Step 1


Use the Carbonhalo free tools to measure your business emissions

Step 2


Look at ways to reduce those high emissions areas, maximising your impact

Step 3


For unavoidable emissions Carbonhalo will offset the equivalent in certified carbon credits

Step 4


Use our marketing kit to share your climate journey and your positive impact

The 4-simple steps of your climate journey

Step 1


Use the Carbonhalo free tools to measure your business emissions

Step 2


Look at ways to reduce those high emissions areas, maximising your impact

Step 3


For unavoidable emissions Carbonhalo will offset the equivalent in certified carbon credits

Step 4


Use our marketing kit to share your climate journey and your positive impact

When we think of companies that are responsible for carbon emissions, we tend to focus on the big end of town. However, virtually all companies have a carbon footprint, big or small and we can all play a part in making sure we can solve our global problem. Roughly 98% of businesses in Australia are trading as small to medium (SME) enterprises, putting us in the driving seat to make change.

Take the first step by getting an estimate...

Carbon footprint calculator

Based on the details of your business, we will provide an estimate of the price plan.

A typical carbon footprint
for your business is

0.00 tonnes of CO2
each month

A typical carbon footprint for your
business is

  • 1.2tonnes of CO2
    per month
  • We will also plant 5 trees
    per month

How much does it cost to balance my business emissions?

What's included:

  • Handpicked certified climate projects for balancing of unavoidable emissions.
  • Marketing kit to help you share your climate journey with others
  • Bonus tree planting through our Planetree program - 5 x trees for every 1t CO2e offset through the platform


What’s covered by offsetting my business carbon emissions?

  • Emissions generated directly from the activities of your business
  • Emissions that come from the electricity & energy that your business uses
  • Emissions that come from activities within your business supply chain

Trusted by

How does carbon offsetting contribute to positive climate action?

We also plant 5 trees for every 1t CO2 you offset!

Climate change is having a growing impact on daily life and more and more customers want to support companies with similar values and a clear sustainability strategy. As a result, 88% of consumers are actively seeking out businesses that have a transparent sustainability plan.

Our platform is tailored to small and medium businesses, and by taking action through our platform, you can help fund certified climate projects. These projects include reforestation, preserving biodiversity, promoting human well-being, and implementing renewable energy and technology to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. These projects are critical to mitigate the impacts of climate change and help create a more sustainable future for all.

We also plant 5 trees for every 1t CO2 you offset!

Solar Power India – VERRA

Savanna Fire Management - ACCU