Environ is taking action to minimise their climate impact


May '22 - May '24


68.68 tC02


343 trees planted

The Environ Story

Environ Air Conditioning provides the highest quality workmanship, products, and customer service. We are committed to supplying our domestic and commercial customers with cool, clean, and safe air conditioning and refrigeration all year round.

In our line of business, we see the reliance these days on our modern-day appliances. As a business supplying and installing these units, we wanted to take our own climate responsibility and help awareness with our customers that doing something simple can make a difference. We are glad to be working with Carbonhalo to help make our business Carbon Neutral.

Contact Carbonhalo to find out how your business can become carbon neutral

The Steps to become carbon neutral


Understand what your family’s or business’ carbon footprint is


Identify key areas where you can minimise your carbon footprint


Automate the offsetting of unavoidable emissions through certified climate active projects


Share your action and progress with your family, friends and colleagues or customers

Some of our trusted partnerships

Where does your money go?

Carbonhalo provides verified carbon credits that fund emissions reductions projects across the globe. These projects include replanting forests, preventing deforestation, and investing in technology that reduces or removes CO2 emissions from the atmosphere. See some of our projects below.